Truck Accident Lawyer Georgia

Navigating the aftermath of a truck accident in Georgia can be both overwhelming and confusing. At Kibbey Wagner, we specialize in guiding victims through the complexities of truck accident claims, ensuring they receive the compensation they deserve. Our team has a proven track record of standing up to negligent parties and their insurance companies. If you or a loved one has been involved in a trucking accident, don’t face the legal maze alone. Call us at (404) 905-5555 for a free consultation with an expert truck accident lawyer.

Recoverable Damages After a Truck Accident in Georgia: Know Your Rights

Truck accidents can be traumatizing. In addition to the physical pain and emotional stress, the financial burden often becomes overwhelming. Fortunately, if you’ve been involved in a truck accident in Georgia, you may be entitled to various types of compensation. It’s important to understand the types of damages you can claim so you can ensure your rights are protected.

Medical Expenses

One of the most immediate concerns after a truck accident is the cost of medical care. Victims may require emergency treatments, surgeries, medication, physical therapy, and more. Medical expenses can include:

  • Hospital bills
  • Costs of surgeries or procedures
  • Prescription medications
  • Physical or occupational therapy
  • Medical aids such as crutches, wheelchairs, etc.

Lost Wages

If you’ve been injured, it’s likely that you’ll need time off work to recover. This can result in lost wages or, in severe cases, the loss of earning capacity. Recoverable lost wages include the income you would’ve earned if the accident hadn’t occurred, considering:

  • Time missed from work (even if you used sick days or vacation time)
  • Reduction in earning capacity due to long-term injuries or disabilities

Pain and Suffering

This is a non-economic damage, meaning it doesn’t have a direct financial cost. Pain and suffering account for the physical pain and emotional distress experienced after an accident. Factors such as the severity of pain, length of recovery, and long-term implications play a role in calculating this compensation.

Property Damage

Truck accidents can cause extensive damage to personal property, most notably your vehicle. You can be compensated for repairs or the replacement value of your car and any other personal items damaged in the crash.

Loss of Enjoyment

Serious injuries can lead to a diminished quality of life. If you’re no longer able to engage in activities or hobbies you once enjoyed, or if your general life enjoyment has decreased due to the accident, you may be entitled to damages for “loss of enjoyment.”

Loss of Consortium

In cases where the victim’s relationship with their spouse or family is affected due to injuries, loss of consortium damages may be claimed. This considers the negative effects on the relationship, companionship, or marital relations.

Punitive Damages

These are not awarded to compensate victims but to punish the wrongdoer and deter similar behavior in the future. In Georgia, punitive damages might be available if the negligent party’s actions were especially reckless or malicious.

Protecting Your Rights

If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident in Georgia, it’s essential to consult with a skilled personal injury attorney who can guide you through the claims process. Every case is unique, and a professional can help ensure you recover the maximum compensation you deserve.

Remember, Georgia has a statute of limitations for personal injury claims, meaning there’s a limited timeframe within which you can pursue legal action. Don’t delay in seeking the justice and compensation you deserve.

Key Evidence: Building a Strong Case

Navigating the aftermath of a truck accident in Georgia can be daunting. One of the most crucial steps toward receiving the compensation you deserve is gathering and preserving evidence. The evidence will form the foundation of your claim, proving negligence and establishing the extent of your damages. Here’s a look at essential evidence to consider when building your truck accident claim in Georgia.

Accident Scene Photos

Immediately after the accident, if you’re able to, take photos of:

  • The accident scene from multiple angles
  • All vehicles involved, especially showing the damage
  • Any skid marks, debris, or property damage
  • Weather conditions, traffic signals, and road signs

Police and Accident Reports

Always report a truck accident to the police. The officers will document the incident, noting important details, parties involved, potential witnesses, and sometimes even their initial observations regarding the cause. Request a copy of this report, as it’s a vital piece of evidence.

Witness Testimonies

Witnesses can provide an unbiased account of how the accident occurred. Collect the contact information of anyone who saw the accident. Their testimonies can support your version of events.

Truck’s Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Records

Federal regulations require many commercial trucks to be equipped with ELDs. These devices track the hours a trucker drives, ensuring they comply with Hours-of-Service rules. ELD records can reveal if fatigue or rule violations played a role in the crash.

Truck Maintenance Records

Routine maintenance is crucial for the safe operation of commercial trucks. Maintenance logs can unveil if the truck had known issues or if it wasn’t serviced appropriately, possibly leading to the accident.

Driver’s Employment and Training Records

Truck companies are obliged to hire well-trained, qualified drivers. The driver’s employment history and training records might show negligence on the part of the trucking company if they hired an unqualified or inadequately trained driver.

Medical Records

These records document the extent of your injuries, the treatments received, and your prognosis. They provide a clear picture of the impact the accident has had on your health.

Surveillance or Dashcam Footage

Many areas, especially urban intersections, are monitored by traffic or surveillance cameras. Likewise, some vehicles have dashcams installed. This footage can provide an objective account of the accident.

Cell Phone Records

If you suspect the truck driver was distracted by their phone when the accident occurred, cell phone records can be crucial. These records can indicate if the driver was texting or making a call during the time of the crash.

Cargo and Weight Records

Overloaded or improperly loaded trucks can be a primary cause of accidents. By obtaining cargo and weight records, you can determine if the truck complied with weight regulations and if loading negligence contributed to the incident.

Preserve Evidence Promptly

Evidence can disappear or degrade over time. It’s vital to act quickly after the accident, seeking the assistance of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney. They can guide the evidence collection process, ensuring all crucial aspects are covered and that your rights are protected.

In Georgia, with its bustling highways frequented by commercial trucks, understanding the importance of evidence is key to holding the right parties accountable and obtaining the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Your Trusted Truck Accident Attorney in Georgia

In the wake of a truck accident, victims often grapple with medical, financial, and emotional burdens. Having a skilled advocate by your side can make all the difference. At Kibbey Wagner, we have dedicated our practice to championing the rights of those injured on Georgia’s roads. Our reputation as leading truck accident attorneys means you’re not just getting counsel; you’re gaining a steadfast ally. If you’re seeking justice and the compensation you deserve, reach out to us at (404) 905-5555 for a free consultation. We’re here to help guide your path to recovery.